Since mountine rivers have huge impact to local infrastucture especialy during spring flood time our company was requested to develop and implement a flood warning solution. Vaisala hydrometeorological stations were the most considerable. Special web based software was specially developed by our specialists considering all peculiarities and requests of national HydroMeteorological entity.
After deep analize of current diversity of hydrological equipments and solutions installed among all territory of Ukraine, we have decide to develop solution that could manage all those equipment by one application. As a result we managed to present to our customer complete , easy scalable monitoring application. We have decided to develop universal communication device as well to make further multi brand devices integration easier.
For the first time we have faced with a problem of installation from water surface.
Moreover, we never thought that for hydrological installation we had to use a professional alpine service.
We have implemented ready to use, easy scalable monitoring system that had reduced time of decision making for local flood warning authorities.